Reflection on leadership in a school

Discussion Forum 


Thursday, September 30, 2021 

Timeslot 16.30-17.30 CEST 

This Workshop with reflective questions to participants, exploration in sub-groups and construction of a common reference. 

Bewältigung der Covid-19-Pandemie und Gesundheit der Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter sowie erste Ergebnisse der Schweizweiten Schulleitungsbefragung HEPISCO

Discussion Forum 

Deutschsprachig / French-speaking 

Thursday, September 30, 2021 

Timeslot 16.30-17.30 CEST 

Prof. Dr. Anita Sandmeier, Prof. Dr. Guri Skedsmo and Simona Betschart, Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz, Goldau, as well Prof. Olivier Perrenoud, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland 

Die Covid-19-Pandemie stellt Schulen und Bildungssysteme auf der ganzen Welt vor besondere Herausforderungen. Die aktuelle Forschung rund um die Bewältigung der Covid-19 Pandemie im Schulkontext fokussiert sich bislang stark auf Kinder und Jugendliche, es gibt wenig systematisch gewonnene Erkenntnisse zur Belastung der Schulleitungen.   

Im Workshop präsentiert das Forschungsteam erste Ergebnisse der Studie HEPISCO (Comparative Study of Health Promotion in Schools and Coping with the Covid-19 Crisis), die im Juni 2021 in allen Sprachregionen der Schweiz stattgefunden hat. Die Studie untersucht die Arbeitssituation und die aktuellen Belastungen von Schulleitungen, ihren Umgang mit gesundheitsbezogenen Informationen während der Pandemie und in welchem Umfang Schulen einen umfassenden Ansatz der Gesundheitsförderung betreiben. Im Fokus des Workshops stehen die berufliche Gesundheit der Schulleitungen hinsichtlich verschiedener Aspekte (selbstgefährdendes Bewältigungsverhalten, negative und positive Beanspruchung), die in Bezug gesetzt werden zu kontextuellen Faktoren (Sprachregion, Schulmerkmale) und individuellen Faktoren (Geschlecht, Berufserfahrung).  Das Ziel ist es die Implikationen dieser Ergebnisse mit den teilnehmenden Schulleitungen zu diskutieren. Die Diskussion wird in Deutsch und Französisch erfolgen. 

Innovation in schools: what role for leaders?



Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

Second Timeslot 16.45-17.45 CEST 

Prof. Dr. Olivier Perrenoud, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, and Prof. Dr. Romuald Normand, Université de Strasbourg 

This workshop will include elements of the keynote presentations from the main program in the introduction. In a second step, participants will work on identifying a) success factors b) limiting factors c) how to keep the focus on learning and innovation in running an institution.

Distributed Leadership: A Critical Examination of a Discourse Influencing Change – and discussion with professionals more



Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

Timeslot 14.00-16.00 CEST

Phil Woods

Who Decides? Power, Disability, and Educational Leadership

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Thursday, September 30, 2021 

Timeslot 16.30-17.30 CEST 

Chairs: Dr. Catherine O’Brien, Gallaudet University; Dr. William Black, University of South Florida; and Dr. Arnold B. Danzig, San José State University, USA 

  • Dr. Joshua Bornstein and Dr. Holly Manaseri: Ability and Belonging: Contested Ontology and Epistemology that Shape School Practice  
  • Dr. Michelle L. Damiani, Rowan University: Who Decides? Teachers with Disabilities and the Role of School Administrators  
  • Tya Collins, Department of Administration and Foundations in Education, Université de Montréal; Corina Borri-Anadon and Marie-Odile Magnan, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada: Shedding Light on Disability and Race in a North American Linguistic Minority Context: A DisCrit Analysis of Special Education in Quebec  
  • Dr. Cynthia Paes de Carvalho Pontifícia, Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; Flávia Pedrosa de Camargo, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Mato Grosso do Sul, IFMS – Campus Corumbá; Mônica de Carvalho Magalhães Kassar, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, UFMS – Campus do Pantanal, Brazil: Leadership for Inclusive Education in Brazil: Potential Contributions of Studies to the Disability Training of School Leaders  

Professionalization of School Leaders, Leadership Learning

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Thursday, September 30, 2021 

Timeslot 16.30-17.30 CEST 


  • Prof. Dr. Leif Moos, Aarhus University Copenhagen, Danmark: Professionalization of School Leaders 
  • Mihaela Zavašnik und Tatjana Ažman, National School for Leadership in Education Ljubljana, Slovenia:Coaching newly appointed Headteachers during Covid-19 Epidemic 
  • Mireia Tintoré, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain: Leadership Programme for a Whole Child Development in Disadvantaged Contexts. A summary 
  • Niclas Rönnström, Stockholm University, Sweden: School leadership in a moment of transformative change: Recognizing dynamic capability and the meta-practices of change 
  • Cathryn Magno, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland: Global, intercultural learning (and teaching) in the virtual Comparative Educational Leadership Lab 
  • Prof. Dr. Hassanreza Zeinabadi, Kharazmi University Tehran, Iran: Assessing principals as isolation-breakers: Introducing the knowledge-sharing leadership scale (KSLS) 

Role and Function of Education Leadership

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Thursday, September 30, 2021 

Timeslot 16.30-17.30 CEST 


  • Prof. Dr. David Gurr, The University of Melbourne, Australia: Research on Middle Leaders in Schools 
  • Zvisinei Moyo, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa: Struggling to make a difference against the odds: a synthesis of qualitative research on women leading schools in Zimbabwe 
  • Matías Sembler , Universidad Diego Portales Santiago de Chile, Chile: Leading high schools in a crisis context: leadership teams during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile 
  • Osman Buleshkaj, University of Prishtina, Kosovo: Leading curriculum: an opportunity for new way of leading in Kosovo schools 
  • Scott Eacott, UNSW Sydney, Australia: A relational inquiry on the provision of schooling: small schools in New South Wales, Australia 

Management of Crisis

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

First Timeslot 15.30-16.30 CEST  

Chair: N.N. 

  • Dr. Michelle Striepe and Dr. Christine Cunningham, Edith Cowan University Perth, Australia: When crisis becomes crises: Turbulent times for educational leaders 
  • Dr. Priscila Monge, TEC de Monterrey Hermosillo, Mexico: Distributed leadership in a changing educational context 
  • Dr. Antonios Kafa, Frederick University Nicosia, Cyprus: School leaders’ support structure during the COVID-19 crisis: The case of the centralized educational system in Cyprus 
  • Prof. Dr. Rodriguez Lorena, RIGE, Hermosillo, Mexico: Executive Leadership in Crisis Processes 

COVID-19 Educational Research: Crisis in Society and Impact on Education around the World

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

Second Timeslot 16.45-17.45 CEST 

Chair: Prof. Dr. Christoph Helm, University of Linz, Austria 

  • Prof. Dr. Britta Klopsch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany and Prof. Dr. Jo Fletcher, University of Canterbury, New Zealand: Making schools post-pandemic – what we can learn from the challenges in Germany and New Zealand 
  • Norma Pesqueira, Carmen Celina Torres Arcadia and Gabriela Mora, Comisión Nacional para la Mejora Continua de la Educación en México Hermosillo, México: Teacher leadership in times of crisis 
  • Alexandra Postlbauer and Prof. Dr. Christoph Helm, University of Linz, Austria: The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on Students’ Extracurricular Activities. Latent Change Score Covariate Models on the Effect  
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Helm, University of Linz, Austria, and Prof. Dr. Stephan Huber, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland: Predictors of Central Student Learning Outcomes in Times of COVID-19: Students’, Parents’, and Teachers’ Perspectives During School Closure in 2020. A Multiple Informant Relative Weight Analysis 
  • Khuloud Al Hammadi, United Arab Emirates University: Influence of Coping with the Organizational Change on Work-related Uncertainty and Work Engagement: Role of organizational Support (PhD) 
  • Phoebe Gohs, Michigan State University East Lansing, USA: An Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on K-12 School Enrollment in the United States: How did differences in educational programming impact access to education in the 2020-2021 school year? (PhD) 

Health and Resilience in Education

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

Second Timeslot 16.45-17.45 CEST 

Chair: N.N. 

  • Dr. Pia Skott, Stockholm University, Sweden: Leadership, health promotion and assesment pracitices 
  • Dr. Sekitla Makhasane, University of the Free State Phuthaditjhaba, South Africa: Teachers views about the intricacies of learner-on-teacher violence and the implications for school leadership 
  • Mailis Elomaa, University of Jyväskylä, Finland: Elementary school principals‘ work-related ecological system and the nature of interaction with different elements (PhD) 

© 2025 Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber