Research-oriented Roundtable
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
First Timeslot 15.30-16.30 CEST
Chair: N.N.
- Dr. Shnaoli Chakraborty Acharya, West Bengal State University, India: Excursion into Student-diversity: Realities and Practices of Inclusive Teaching in West Bengal State University
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Schrei, Private university college Vienna / Krems, Austria: Multi Level Classes – joint research project Austria – Israel
- Dr. Michael Lopez, California State University Long Beach, USA: Supports and Barriers for Bridging Race and Gender Equity Gaps in Computer Science at the Middle School Levels
- Sonia Clementina Schaefer, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany: Shaping inclusion in times of digital education: teachers´ experience in Berlin schools/ Erfahrungen von Lehrpersonen mit Digitalisierung und der Ermöglichung von Teilhabe im Unterricht (PhD)