World Education Leadership Symposium 2021 online Focus „COVID-19 Educational Research“

13.45-14.30CovER Network internal Work Meeting
Closed session
Start 3pm CET
Program & Abstracts (PDF)
Plenary channelMeet and Greet Channel
Beside the fixed program of WELSonline we offer channels where participants could meet and greet other participants. These channels are creative rooms for open discussions and work on a common topic.

Open Space

For Butterflies and Bumblebees
Beside the fixed program of WELSfocus we offer channels where participants could meet and greet other participants. These channels are creative rooms for open discussions and work on a common topic.
14.45-15.00Check-in with music by Eric W.F. Seuberth
15.00-15.05Welcome and Opening – Corona is a Marathon

Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
15.05-15.20COVID-19 and Schooling - Findings of an international review of 100 studies in the German-speaking countries

Prof. Dr. Stephan Huber and Prof. Dr. Christoph Helm, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
15.20-15.35Learning under COVID-19 - Challenges for Self-regulation

Selma Korlat Ikanovic, of the team of Prof. Dr. Dr. Christiane Spiel, Prof. Dr. Barbara Schober and Ass. Prof. Dr. Marko Lüftenegger, University of Vienna, Austria
15.35-15.45Break with music by Eric W.F. Seuberth
Group channels
COVID-19-Crisis in Society and Impact on Education around the World
15.45-16.30Roundtable 1

School Leadership during COVID-19 and Crisis Management


Moderator / chair: Julia A. Schneider, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Roundtable 2

Digitalisation and Education,
Focus Primary Education and Sek. I


Moderator / chair: Carolin Hohmann, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Roundtable 3

Digitalisation and Education,
Focus Vocational Training and Higher Education


Moderator / chair: Marianne Mischler, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Roundtable 4

Digitalisation and Education,
Focus Educational Inequality


Moderator / chair: Paula S. Günther, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Workshop 1

Gestärkt durch die Krise -
ein Online-Lehrformat, das auf positiver Erziehung basiert


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lichtinger and Prof. Ursula Rigger, University of Teacher Education Vorarlberg, Austria
16.30-16.45Break with music by Eric W.F. Seuberth
16.45-17.30Roundtable 5

Quality Development and Innovation


Moderator / chair: Jane Pruitt, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Roundtable 6

Teachers and other educational Stakeholders


Moderator / chair: Prof. Dr. Christoph Helm, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Roundtable 7

International Perspectives on Education in Pandemic times and Lessons Learnt for Future of Education


Moderator / chair: Paula S. Günther, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Roundtable 8

Forschungsbefunde und Praxismodelle zum Distanzunterricht


Moderator / chair: Marianne Mischler, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Workshop 2

Leadership and management during the pandemic


Prof. Dr. Jonathan Supovitz, University of Pennsylvania, US
Workshop 3

Corona: Der positive Approach unterstützt Schulen, Hygieneregeln einzuhalten


Christoph Eichhorn,, Switzerland
17.30-17.45Break with music by Eric W.F. Seuberth
Plenary channel
17.45-18.00Some short Statements from WELSfocus from the Roundtables as to
Crisis Management, School Leadership, System Leadership, Digitalisation in Education

Dr. Julia Frohn, University of Frankfurt, Germany
Prof. Dr. Tina Hascher, University of Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Joanna Madalińska-Michalak, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Dr. Karanam Pushpanadham, The M.S. University of Baroda, India
Dr. Jan Robertson, Academic Consultant, Auckland, New Zealand
Prof. Dr. Charles Slater, California State University Long Beach, California, United States
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Supovitz, University of Pennsylvania, United States
18.00-18.15Five Education Myths that Covid-19 shatters and Lessons Learnt

Dr. Alexander Gardner-McTaggart together with Dr. Steven J. Courtney, Dr. Paul Armstrong, Prof. Dr. Helen M. Gunter, Dr. Belinda C. Hughes, Mark Innes and Dr. Stephen M. Rayner, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
18.15-18.30School Leadership after COVID – what might change?

Prof. Dr. David Gurr, University of Melbourne, Australia
18.30-18.45Conclusion and Closing

Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Official end 18.45 CET
Group channels
18.45-19.00Meet and Greet in the virtual Apéro

3 times each 5 minutes
Randomized groups of 3 to 4 persons

© 2025 Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber