Teacher Professionalisation and Collaboration

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

Second Timeslot 16.45-17.45 CEST 

Chair: N.N. 

  • Prof. Dr. Hassanreza Zeinabadi, Kharazmi University, Iran: Assessing principals as isolation-breakers: Introducing the knowledge-sharing leadership scale (KSLS) 
  • Prof. Dr. Paulo Volante, Universidad Católica de Chile: Strengthening instructional leadership teams for collaboration with a focus on pedagogical improvement 
  • Prof. Dr. Milosh Raykov, University of Malta: Teacher involvement in innovative work and the roles of the school leadership team and overall organizational support 
  • Dr. Elson Szeto, The Education University of Hong Kong, China: Fostering socially-just learning: Influence of principal leadership on teachers‘ innovative pedagogies for all students 
  • Prof. Dr. Alberto Duarte Vargas, Supervision Escolar 067 Hermosillo, Mexico: Teaching in the context of the COVID-19 contingency

© 2025 Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber