Educational Policy and Governance

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

First Timeslot 15.30-16.30 CEST  


  • Dr. Jeffrey B. Hall, University of Oslo, Norway: School principals and school superintendents as institutional entrepreneurs: Handling organizational tensions in the planning and enactment of the renewed state curriculum 
  • Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir, University of Akureyri, Iceland: Characteristics of educational leadership practices at the municipal level in Iceland 
  • Dr. Arleta Suwalska, Arleta Suwalska Warsaw, Poland: The roots of educational changes in the perspective of democracy challenges in England and Finland in the XXth century. 
  • Dr. Venesser Fernandes, Monash University Clayton, Australia: Understanding, Leading and Managing Complexities in Data-Informed Decision Making Approaches at System and School Level 
  • Ilze Breedt, University of Pretoria, South Africa: Stakeholder views of educational governance after a change in ownership of independent schools (PhD) 

Educational Change and the Future of Education (Focus System)

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

First Timeslot 15.30-16.30 CEST  

Chair: Nelly Guet, Alert Education, St. Martin de Castillon, France 

  • Nelly Guet, Alert Education, St. Martin de Castillon, France: How to transform a hierarchical education system into a democratic system with autonomous schools 
  • Dr. Denis Francesconi, University of Vienna, Austria: The Quality of Life Movement. Indications for the Education Systems 
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Müller, Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Germany: Implementing ESD in Schools. Perspectives of Principals in Germany, Macau and the USA 

Educational Networks and Cooperation

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

Second Timeslot 16.45-17.45 CEST 

Chair: Dr. Ulrich Iberer, Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany 

  • Dr. Ulrich Iberer, Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany: Implications for teaching and learning in intercultural societies: parents‘ expectations of schools in Taiwan. 
  • Franka Luise Deister, Free University of Bolzano, Italy: Pupils, Musicians and Teachers as Kulturkomplizen (Cultural Accomplices) in the Classroom: Process and first results of a Design-Based Research Study on Transprofessional Cooperation in Music Education in Primary Schools in South Tyrol/Italy (PhD) 
  • Willa Rose Fynn, California State University Long Beach, USA: Playing to Learn and Learning to Play in Urban Early Childhood Education (PhD) 

Teacher Professionalisation and Support of School Leaders (PhD Roundtable)

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

First Timeslot 15.30-16.30 CEST 

Chair: N.N. 

  • Fatema Habeeb Al Attar, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates and Dr. Ibrahim Duyar, Arkansas State University, USA: Influence of Organizational Constraints on Teachers Affective Commitment to Change: Moderating Role of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) in the UAE Public Schools 
  • Dr. Ayhan Ozturk, Ministry of Education-Turkey Ankara, Turkey: Analyzing Influence of Authentic Leadership, Organizational Identification, and Perceived organizational Support on Teachers – Job-engagement and Commitment: A cross-National Study (PhD) 
  • Christian Lazcano, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: School leadership and teacher turnover: Instructional keys to prevent it (PhD) 
  • Dr. Ying Hu, East China Normal University Shanghai, China and Dr. Duyar Ibrahim, Arkansas State University, USA: Paradigm Change in Learning through School Museums: A Closer Look at Influence of Principals toward Change, and Collaborative Learning Culture (PhD) 

Teacher Professionalisation and Collaboration

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

Second Timeslot 16.45-17.45 CEST 

Chair: N.N. 

  • Prof. Dr. Hassanreza Zeinabadi, Kharazmi University, Iran: Assessing principals as isolation-breakers: Introducing the knowledge-sharing leadership scale (KSLS) 
  • Prof. Dr. Paulo Volante, Universidad Católica de Chile: Strengthening instructional leadership teams for collaboration with a focus on pedagogical improvement 
  • Prof. Dr. Milosh Raykov, University of Malta: Teacher involvement in innovative work and the roles of the school leadership team and overall organizational support 
  • Dr. Elson Szeto, The Education University of Hong Kong, China: Fostering socially-just learning: Influence of principal leadership on teachers‘ innovative pedagogies for all students 
  • Prof. Dr. Alberto Duarte Vargas, Supervision Escolar 067 Hermosillo, Mexico: Teaching in the context of the COVID-19 contingency

Educational Change, Evaluation and Improvement (Focus Organisation)

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

First Timeslot 15.30-16.30 CEST  

Chair: N.N. 

  • Dr. Claudia Schreiner, University of Innsbruck, and Prof. Dr. Christian Wiesner, University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria, Austria: School Development Originates from Schools! Or: How Innovations Get into the System 
  • Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Duyar and Lloyd D. Jackson, Arkansas State University, USA: Validity Study of DLOQ for Analyzing Determinants of Learning Organizations in High and Low-Achieving Schools 
  • Dr. Lawrence Drysdale, The University of Melbourne, Australia: Adopting a Marketing Mindset as a Pathway to Innovative Leadership 
  • Ruth Jensen, University of Oslo, Norway: Formative Interventions in School Leadership Teams in Upper Secondary Schools 

Inclusion, Equity and Equality in Education II

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

Second Timeslot 16.45-17.45 CEST 

Chair: N.N. 

  • Prof. Dr. Terry Burwell, Queen’s University Kingston, Canada: COVID-19 and its impact on achievement levels and well-being of students of determination in the United Arab Emirates. 
  • Dr. Donnie Adams and Tan King Lok, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Mirror-mirror on the wall, is Inclusive School Leadership in Malaysia possible at all? 
  • Alo Gohar Chang, Public School Sukkur, Pakistan: Equality in the Shadow of Meritocracy: A Case Study  
  • Ioanna Georgiadou, University of Thessaly Volos, Greece: Issues of service quality in vocational education for students with disability (PhD) 

Inclusion, Equity and Equality in Education I

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

First Timeslot 15.30-16.30 CEST  

Chair: N.N. 

  • Dr. Shnaoli Chakraborty Acharya, West Bengal State University, India: Excursion into Student-diversity: Realities and Practices of Inclusive Teaching in West Bengal State University 
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Schrei, Private university college Vienna / Krems, Austria: Multi Level Classes – joint research project Austria – Israel 
  • Dr. Michael Lopez, California State University Long Beach, USA: Supports and Barriers for Bridging Race and Gender Equity Gaps in Computer Science at the Middle School Levels 
  • Sonia Clementina Schaefer, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany: Shaping inclusion in times of digital education: teachers´ experience in Berlin schools/ Erfahrungen von Lehrpersonen mit Digitalisierung und der Ermöglichung von Teilhabe im Unterricht (PhD) 

Digitalization in Education

Research-oriented Roundtable 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 

First Timeslot 15.30-16.30 CEST  

Chair: N.N. 

  • Dr. Jacqueline Baxter, The Open University, UK: Strategic leadership of online learning in English Secondary schools through Covid and beyond 
  • Dr. Isabel Tarling, Two Oceans Graduate Institute, South Africa: Mathematics Curriculum Online, Data Informed Decisions Making and Systemic Change: socially embedded transformation in action 
  • Dr. Sonja Gabriel, KPH Wien/Krems, Austria: Education of pre-service Teachers during covid-19 – a qualitative study 
  • Prof. Dr. Hemlata Talesar, North Gujarat University Gujarat, India: Innovations in Learning, Teaching and School System in India 
  • Dr. Sercan Bursa, Anadolu University, Turkey: Social Studies Pre-Service Teachers Opinions on Blended Learning 
  • Yasmeen Salman, Aga Khan University, Pakistan: Teaching and Assessing Art Online During COVID-19: Reflections and Resolutions (PhD) 

Bewältigung der Covid-19-Pandemie und Gesundheit der Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter sowie erste Ergebnisse der Schweizweiten Schulleitungsbefragung HEPISCO


Deutschsprachig / French-speaking 

Donnerstag, 30. September 2021 

Timeslot 16.30-17.30 CEST   

Prof. Dr. Anita Sandmeier, Prof. Dr. Guri Skedsmo and Simona Betschart, Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz, Goldau, as well Prof. Olivier Perrenoud, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland 

Die Covid-19-Pandemie stellt Schulen und Bildungssysteme auf der ganzen Welt vor besondere Herausforderungen. Die aktuelle Forschung rund um die Bewältigung der Covid-19 Pandemie im Schulkontext fokussiert sich bislang stark auf Kinder und Jugendliche, es gibt wenig systematisch gewonnene Erkenntnisse zur Belastung der Schulleitungen.   

Im Workshop präsentiert das Forschungsteam erste Ergebnisse der Studie HEPISCO (Comparative Study of Health Promotion in Schools and Coping with the Covid-19 Crisis), die im Juni 2021 in allen Sprachregionen der Schweiz stattgefunden hat. Die Studie untersucht die Arbeitssituation und die aktuellen Belastungen von Schulleitungen, ihren Umgang mit gesundheitsbezogenen Informationen während der Pandemie und in welchem Umfang Schulen einen umfassenden Ansatz der Gesundheitsförderung betreiben. Im Fokus des Workshops stehen die berufliche Gesundheit der Schulleitungen hinsichtlich verschiedener Aspekte (selbstgefährdendes Bewältigungsverhalten, negative und positive Beanspruchung), die in Bezug gesetzt werden zu kontextuellen Faktoren (Sprachregion, Schulmerkmale) und individuellen Faktoren (Geschlecht, Berufserfahrung).  Das Ziel ist es die Implikationen dieser Ergebnisse mit den teilnehmenden Schulleitungen zu diskutieren. Die Diskussion wird in Deutsch und Französisch erfolgen. 

© 2025 Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber