Presentations 2020

Präsentationen, Videos und Aufnahmen

Start 3pm CEST
Plenary channel
15.00-15.10Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber,
University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Welcome and Opening

15.10- 15.25Prof. Dr. Stephan Huber, Prof. Dr. Christoph Helm, Paula S. Günther, Nadine Schneider, University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
COVID-19 and Schooling: Evaluation, Assessment and Accountability in Times of Crises — Reacting Quickly to Explore Key Issues for Policy, Practice and Research with the School Barometer in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
15.25- 15.40Prof. Dr. Mel Ainscow, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
The big Challenge facing Education Systems: Inclusion and Equity Presentation (PDF)
15.40-15.55Short Break
15.55- 16.10Prof. Dr. David Gurr, University of Melbourne, Australia
Worldwide Educational Responses to the Pandemic Presentation (PDF)
16.10- 16.25Ass. Prof. Haiyan Qian, The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) Hong Kong
Asian Perspectives
16.25- 16.40Prof. Dr. Rick Mintrop, University of California, Berkeley, USA
US Perspectives Presentation (PDF)
16.40-16.55Short Break
16.55- 17.10Prof. Dr. Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger, Universität Innsbruck, Austria
Ciritcal perspectives on differential effects of COVID-19 home-schooling
Group channels
17.10- 17.45Roundtables
Views from Participants – Experiences and Opinions
Plenary channel
17.45-18.00Plenary discussion, Conclusion and Closing
End 6pm CEST
Group channels
18.00-18.25Meet and Greet in the virtual apéro
5 times each 5 minutes, randomized groups of 3 to 4 persons

Start 3pm CEST
Plenary channel
15.00-15.10Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber,
University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Education Leadership around the world – Research and Monitoring of a Profession – Introduction

15.15- 15.35Country Reports from Australian and Asian Countries
Part I
Prof. Dr. David Gurr, and Prof. Dr. Lawrie Drysdale, University of Melbourne:
Ass. Prof. Haiyan Qian, The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) Hong Kong: China
Prof. Dr. Hui-Ling Wendy Pan, Tamkang University: Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Karanam Pushpanadham, The M.S. University of Baroda: India
15.35-15.50Short Break
15.50- 16.05Country Reports from Australian and Asian Countries
Part II
Dr. Kenny Cheah Soon Lee, University of Malaya: Malaysia Presentation (PDF)
Bambang Sumintono, Ph. D., University Malaya, Malaysia: Indonesia Presentation (PDF)
Natalia Isaeva, Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow:
Ass. Prof. Hassanreza Zeinabadi, Kharazmi University: Iran Presentation (PDF)
16.05- 16.15Questions and short discussion:
Reflection on Australian and Asian Countries

You can write some questions in the chat and presenters could respond to them
16.15-16.30Country Reports from European Countries
Part I
Dr. Ulf Leo, University of Umea: Sweden
Prof. Dr. Guri Skedsmo, Schwyz University of Teacher Education, Switzerland, and
Ass. Prof. Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen, University of Oslo: Norway
Prof. Dr. Joanna Madalińska-Michalak, University of Warsaw: Poland
16.30-16.45Short Break
16.45-17.00Country Reports from European Countries
Part II
Prof. Dr. Julián López-Yáñez and Prof. Dr. Marita Sánchez-Moreno, Universidad de Sevilla: Spain
Prof. Dr. Romuald Normand, University of Strasbourg: France
Ass. Prof. Eletheria Argyropoulou, University of Crete: Greece
Ass. Prof. Kadir Beycioglu, Dokuz Eylul University: Turkey
17.05-17.15Reflection on European Countries
You can write some questions in the chat and presenters could respond to them
17.15-17.30Country Reports from Kenya and American Countries
Part I
Dr. Lucy Awuor Wakiaga, Tangaza University College: Kenya
Dr. Judy Halbert and Dr. Linda Kaser, University of British Columbia: (Western)
Canada Presentation (PDF)
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Supovitz, University of Pennsylvania, and Prof. Dr. Michelle Young, University of Virginia: USA
17.30-17.45Short Break
17.45-17.55Country Reports from Kenya and American Countries
Part II
Prof. Dr. Paulo Luis Volante Beach and Prof. Dr. Claudia Llorente, Universidad Católica de Chile: Chile Presentation (PDF)
Prof. Dr. Clelia Pineda Báez and Prof. Dr. José Javier Bermúdez Aponte, University of La Sabana: Colombia
17.55-18.05Reflection on Kenya and American Countries
You can write some questions in the chat and presenters could respond to them
Group channels
18.05-18.30Open discussions

Resources & demands:
What kinds of resources and demands are available on personal, organisational and system level that support or restrain school leaders’ practice? How are these resources and demands experienced by the school leaders?
How is the balance between resources and demands?

Values & professional understanding:
How are different professional values and professional understandings deemed important to school leaders, organisation and system? How do they align or misalign with each other?

What practices do school leaders prefer? What practices do school leaders experience as strain?
How do school leaders spend their time at work?

Person-job-organisation-system fit:
How do school leaders fit to their job, organisation and system? How is the balance between different fits?

School quality and its development:
How do school leaders perceive school quality and its development?

Health, resilience, wellbeing:
What are the school leaders’ perceptions on their own health? How resilient are school leaders? How is school leaders’ work-related well-being?
End 18.30 CEST

Start 3pm CEST
Plenary channel
15.00-15.10Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber,
University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Welcome and Opening
Group channels
15.10-16.10Roundtable 1
Leadership during COVID- 19 / Crisis Management

• Prof. Jan Heystek, North-West University, South Africa: Leadership and change during the corona 19 virus in South Africa schools Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Donnie Adams, University of Malaya, Malaya: Leading Schools through the Covid-19 Crisis in Malaysia
• Prof. Dr. Sandra Mariano, Joysi Moraes and Bruno Dias, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil: Higher
Education in Brazil during COVID-19
• Prof. Dr. Eleftheria Argyropoulou, University of Crete, Greece: School Leadership (in Greece) in dire straits:
fighting the virus or the challenging consequences?
• Prof. Dr. Joanna Madalińska-Michalak, University of Warsaw, Poland: Polish school principal experience and
educational leadership practice in the time of COVID-19
• Dr. Farhana Kajee, Rhodes University, South Africa: Educational leadership and management during Covid-
19: A call for criticality and the legitimation of social theory
• Jolanta Navickaitė: Adults competencies necessary for school principal’s leadership in the COVID-19 crisis:
Insights from the latest PIAAC round
• Anne Köster, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany: Educational inequality in times of
Corona. A case study in a Berlin school at the social margins
Roundtable 2
Digitalisation and Education

• Prof. Dr. Pierre Tulowitzki, FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern, Switzerland: Cultivating a global, blended-learning educational leadership program and network – Levers and barriers of success
• Dr. Isabel Tarling, Two Oceans Graduate Institute, South Africa: Self-regulated learning and eAssessment Practices: constructive alignment for purpose and impact
• Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schley, Leadership Foundation for Professional Learning and Global Education, Switzerland: Blended Learning: INTUS 3 concept for relation learning
• Dr. Jolanda Hermanns, University of Potsdam, Germany: Evaluation of an online course on organic chemistry during the COVID-19-crisis Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Shnaoli Chakraborty Acharya, West Bengal State University, India: Leadership for Digital Learning in the 21st Century: Policy, Perspectives and Ground Realities Presentation (PDF)
Roundtable 3
Assessment and Evaluation for Quality Development

• Dr. Venesser Fernandes, Monash University, Australia: Using School Data to Continuously Improve and Inform Diverse Decision-Making Approaches Within Australian School Contexts
• Prof. Christian Wiesner, University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria, Austria: Judgements through evidence Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Claudia Schreiner, University of Innsbruck, Austria: Pedagogical Diagnostics in a Leadership Perspective Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Alberto Yazon, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines: Examining the Work Engagement, Job
Satisfaction, and Performance of Faculty in One State University in the Philippines Presentation (PDF)
Roundtable 4
Collaboration among Teachers and School Leaders

• Prof. Dr. Ulrike Greiner, University of Salzburg, Austria: Fostering processes of knowledge transformation: What teacher students can learn from headteachers reasoning about the use of research in school Presentation (PDF)
• Prof. Dr. Claudia Llorente, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile: An experience of school Leadership, collaboration and professional development during COVID-19 pandemic Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Jóhannes Miðskarð, University of the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands: Teacher-Principal Discrepancies concerning Principals’ Pedagogical Leadership in the Faroe Islands Presentation (PDF)
16.25-17.25Roundtable 5
Schools in Challenging Circumstances

• Prof. Dr. Stephan Huber, University of Teacher Education Zug, and Prof. Dr. Guri Skedsmo, University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
• Prof. Dr. David Gurr, University of Melbourne, Australia: Leadership in Schools Under Challenging Circumstances Presentation (PDF)
• Prof. Dr. Rose M. Ylimaki, Northern Arizona University, USA: US Schools in Challenging Circumstances
• Dr. Venesser Fernandes, Monash University, Australia: Activating Turnaround Leadership through Data-
Informed Decision making in Australian Public Schools
Roundtable 6
Professionali- zation of School Leaders

• Prof. Dr. Julián López-Yáñez, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: Strategies, difficulties, and biases in a process of school leaders’ group coaching
• Prof. Dr. Paulo Volante, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile: Advances and challenges of school leadership in Chile
• Prof. Dr. Clelia Pineda Báez, University of La Sabana, Columbia: Cundinamarca School of Principals: School leadership for the educational excellence
• Prof. Dr. Jonathan Damiani, Le Moyne College, USA: International Students‘ Narratives in Leadership Preparation; Promoting the Value of Emerging Leaders‘ Voices through Leadership Rhetoric and Communication
• Prof. Dr. Dr. Benedicte Gendron, University Montpellier 3, France: Bienvivance for a Quality of Life: Leadership and Education Matter a lot
• Joanna Holmes, University of Strathclyde, UK: The Intersection of Role Identity Formation and Emotional Competencies in the Aspiring Educational Leader – cancelled
Roundtable 7
Leadership for Professional Learning and Innovation

• Dr. Donnie Adams, University of Malaya, Malaya: Review of Research on Educational Leadership and Management in Malaysia
• Dr. Philip Poekert, University of Florida, USA: Perspectives on Leadership for Professional Learning: An Emerging Community of Researchers and Practitioners Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Sue Swaffield, University of Cambridge, UK: Leadership for Professional Learning towards Educational Equity: A review of literature Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Ursina Kerle, Switzerland: Wie können Schulinnovationen zielführend implementiert werden? – German- speaking
Roundtable 8
Educational Policy and Governance

• Prof. Dr. Olof Johansson and Prof. Dr. Helen Ärlestig, University of Umea, Sweden: District Leaders or Education Authorities Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Beatriz Pont, OECD, France: Comparative research on school leadership policy reforms Presentation (PDF)
• Dr. Jeffrey Brooks Hall, University of Oslo, Norway: Student Learning Environment: Regulation in Transition
and Challenges for School Leaders as Enactors of the Law
• Dr. Claudia Schreiner, University of Innsbruck, Austria: The Role of School Leaders and School Authorities in
Evidence-oriented Quality Development
• Prof. Dr. Michael Miller, University of Arkansas, USA: Developing Faculty Leadership: The Evolving Role of
Faculty Governance Units
• Dr. Deb Outhwaite, University of Liverpool, UK: System Leadership in England: MATs and TSAs

Plenary channel
17.40-17.55Prof. Dr. Phil Hallinger, Mahidol University and University of Johannesburg, South Africa
The Education Leadership Research Landscape

17.55-18.00Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber,
University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland
Conclusion and Closing
End 6pm CEST

Start 15 Uhr CEST
Plenary channel
15.00-15.10Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber, Pädagogische Hochschule Zug, Schweiz
Begrüssung und Einführung

COVID-19, Schule, Bildung – Rückblick, Überblick, Ausblick:
Bildungsgerechtigkeit, Digitalisierung, Individualisierung/Differenzierung,
Krisen-, Wissens-, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
15.10-16.10Kurzpräsentationen aktueller Forschungsprojekte
Teil I

Prof. Dr. Barbara Schober, Ass. Prof. Dr. Marko Lüftenegger und Prof. Dr. Dr.
Christiane Spiel, Universität Wien, Österreich: Lernen unter COVID-19 –
Herausforderungen für die Selbstregulation Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Sonja Heller, Accelerom AG, Schweiz: „Schule zu Hause“ in Deutschland –
Bestandsaufnahme im Corona-Lockdown aus Perspektive der Schüler/-innen
und Eltern (Studie im Auftrag der Deutsche Telekom Stiftung)

Verena Letzel, Dr. Marcela Pozas und Christoph Schneider, Universität Trier,
Deutschland: SchElLe – Covid-19 bedingtes inklusives Homeschooling aus
Schüler/-innen-, Eltern- und Lehrkräfteperspektive Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Katharina Resch, Prof. Dr. Susanne Schwab, Katharina-Theresa Lindner
und Julia Kast, Universität Wien: Bildungsperspektiven während der COVID-
19 Schulschließung – Wahrnehmung der Umstellung des Schulsystems von
Schüler*innen, Erziehungsberechtigten und Lehrpersonen Presentation (PDF)

Antje Müller, Elternkammer Hamburg, Deutschland: Fernbeschulung zu
Corona-Zeiten – Erfolgreich im Großen und Ganzen, eine Menge
Herausforderungen im Detail Presentation (PDF)

Prof. Dr. Raphaela Porsch, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg,
Deutschland, und Prof. Dr. Torsten Porsch: Emotionales Erleben von Eltern
im temporären Fernunterricht – Befunde einer bundesweiten
Elternbefragung Presentation (PDF)
16.25-17.25Kurzpräsentationen aktueller Forschungsprojekte
Teil II

Dr. Raimund Schmolze-Krahn, Inclusion Technology Lab e.V., Deutschland,
und Dr. Dorothea Kugelmeier, Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte
Informationstechnik FIT Sankt Augustin, Deutschland: Familien mit
beeinträchtigten Kindern – Wie geht es Ihnen in der Corona-Krise?

Prof. Dr. Anja Wildemann, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Deutschland:
Homeschooling während der Covid-19-Pandemie aus Sicht von Eltern. Eine
Elternbefragung. Presentation (PDF)

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Brandhofer, Natalie Schrammel und Karin Tengler,
Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich: Homeschooling – Lernen trotz
Corona: Chancen und Herausforderungen des Distance Learnings an
österreichischen Schulen

Dr. Mario Steiner, Institut für Höhere Studien Wien, Österreich: COVID19
und Home Schooling: Folgt aus der Gesundheits- nun auch eine
Bildungskrise? Presentation (PDF)

Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kracke, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, und Dr. Benjamin

Dreer, Universität Erfurt, Deutschland: Thüringer Lehrer*innen im Corona-
Lockdown 2020 – Herausforderungen und Bewältigung

Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber, Dr. Christoph Helm et al., Pädagogische
Hochschule Zug, Schweiz: Schul-Barometer Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
17.40-18.10Plenumsgespräch zu Konsequenzen für zukünftige Entwicklungen
Statements und Impulse

Jörg Berger, Verband Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter Schweiz, Schweiz Presentation (PDF)

Simone Fleischmann, Bayerischer Lehrer- und Lehrerinnenverband,

Beat Schwendimann, Dachverband Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Schweiz, Schweiz


Stefan Marien, Zentralstelle Auslandsschulwesen, Südafrika

Torsten Klieme, Landesschulamt Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland

Siegfried Arnz, ehem. Senatsschulverwaltung Berlin, Deutschland Presentation (PDF)


Rahel Tschopp, Pädagogische Hochschule Zug, Schweiz

Prof. Dr. Kai Maaz, Leibnitz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und
Bildungsinformation Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber, Pädagogische Hochschule Zug, Schweiz

18.10-18.20Fragen der Teilnehmenden
18.20-18.25Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber, Pädagogische Hochschule Zug, Schweiz
Lessons Learnt aus WELSonline 2020: COVID-19, Schule, Bildung sowie
Schulleitungsforschung und Schulleitungspraxis
Group channels
18.25-18.45Diskussion in Group Channels

Reflektionen zur
• Praxis
• Politik, Aufsicht, Verwaltung
• Forschung
• Unterstützungen und Stiftungsarbeit
Ende 18.45 Uhr CEST

© 2025 Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber